
Best Persuasive Speech Examples That Will Empower Your Public Speaking

Are you in search of influential and impactful persuasive speech examples? Look no further! This article is here to inspire and guide you on your journey toward delivering persuasive speeches that leave a lasting impression. Whether you’re a student, a professional, or someone preparing for a special occasion, the curated selection of persuasive speeches will provide you with valuable insights and techniques to create compelling lessons that captivate your audience. 

What is Persuasive Speech?

A persuasive speech is a type of speech that aims to convince, inspire, or motivate the audience to adopt or support a particular viewpoint, take a specific action, or change their beliefs or behaviors. The primary goal of a persuasive speech is to influence the audience’s attitudes, opinions, and behaviors by presenting persuasive arguments, logical reasoning, emotional appeals, and credible evidence.

Persuasive speeches are commonly used in various contexts, such as public speaking engagements, political campaigns, sales and marketing presentations, advocacy efforts, and debates.

– Persuasive Speech Example 1: How Global Warming Affects Our Health

  – Introduction

    – Attention getter: Imagine a world where you have to wear a mask every time you go outside, where you can’t breathe fresh air, where you can’t enjoy the beauty of nature, and where you are constantly exposed to diseases and infections. This is not a dystopian scenario, this is the reality of global warming.

    – Thesis statement: Global warming is a serious threat to our health and well-being, and we need to take action to reduce its causes and effects.

    – Preview of main points: Today, I will talk about how global warming affects our health in three ways: by increasing air pollution, by spreading infectious diseases, and by causing mental stress.

  – Body

    – Main point 1: Global warming increases air pollution, which harms our respiratory system and cardiovascular system.

      – Subpoint 1: Global warming causes more frequent and intense wildfires, which release smoke and particulate matter into the air. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), exposure to these pollutants can cause asthma, bronchitis, lung cancer, and heart attacks.¹

      – Subpoint 2: Global warming also increases the formation of ground-level ozone, which is a harmful gas that irritates our eyes, nose, and throat. Ozone can also damage our lung tissue and reduce our lung function. According to the WHO, ozone exposure can increase the risk of premature death from respiratory and cardiovascular diseases.¹

    – Main point 2: Global warming spreads infectious diseases, which affect our immune system and overall health.

      – Subpoint 1: Global warming alters the patterns of rainfall, temperature, and humidity, which create favorable conditions for the growth and transmission of pathogens. For example, global warming increases the risk of malaria, dengue fever, Zika virus, and Lyme disease, which are transmitted by mosquitoes and ticks.²

      – Subpoint 2: Global warming also affects the quality and availability of water and food, which can lead to waterborne and foodborne diseases. For example, global warming can cause droughts, floods, and storms, which contaminate water sources and crops. According to the WHO, diarrhea is one of the leading causes of death among children under five years old in developing countries.²

    – Main point 3: Global warming causes mental stress, which affects our mood and behavior.

      – Subpoint 1: Global warming can cause psychological distress and anxiety due to the uncertainty and fear of its consequences. For example, people who live in areas that are vulnerable to natural disasters may experience post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, or suicidal thoughts.³

      – Subpoint 2: Global warming can also affect our social relationships and sense of belonging. For example, people who have to migrate or relocate due to climate change may face discrimination, isolation, or violence. According to the American Psychological Association (APA), climate change can undermine our identity and culture.³

  – Conclusion

    – Summary of main points: In conclusion, global warming affects our health in three ways: by increasing air pollution, by spreading infectious diseases, and by causing mental stress.

    – Restatement of thesis statement: Global warming is a serious threat to our health and well-being, and we need to take action to reduce its causes and effects.

    – Call to action: There are many ways that we can help fight global warming. We can use renewable energy sources, such as solar or wind power. We can reduce our carbon footprint by driving less or using public transportation. We can recycle and reuse materials instead of throwing them away. We can also educate ourselves and others about the impacts of global warming on our health. By doing these simple actions, we can make a difference for ourselves and for future generations.

– Persuasive Speech Example 2: Why We Should Stop Using Fossil Fuels

  – Introduction

    – Attention Grabber: Did you know that every year we burn more than 35 billion barrels of oil, 8 billion tons of coal, and 130 trillion cubic feet of natural gas? These are fossil fuels that we use for transportation, electricity generation,

      heating, and industrial purposes.⁴

    – Thesis statement: Fossil fuels are the main cause of global warming, which is a major problem for our planet. We should stop using fossil fuels and switch to cleaner and greener alternatives.

    – Preview of main points: Today I will talk about why we should stop using fossil fuels in three aspects: environmental impact,

  •       Economic impact,
  •       Social impact.

  – Body

    – Main point 1: Fossil fuels have a negative environmental impact because they emit greenhouse gases that contribute to global warming.

      – Subpoint 1: Fossil fuels release carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), and other gases that trap heat in the atmosphere. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), human activities have increased the concentration of CO2 by more than 40% since pre-industrial times.⁵

      – Subpoint 2: Global warming has many harmful effects on the environment. 

Such as biodiversity loss, ocean, acidification, desertification, deforestation, and more. These effects threaten the survival of many species and ecosystems as well as human health and well-being.

    – Main point 2: Fossil fuels have a negative economic impact because they are costly,


      and unsustainable.

      – Subpoint 1: Fossil fuels are expensive to produce transport refine and use. They also have hidden costs that are not reflected in their market prices. These include environmental damage,

        health impact subsidies, tax breaks, military spending, etc. According to the International Monetary Fund (IMF),

        fossil fuel subsidies amounted to $5.2 trillion in 2017, which is equivalent to 6.5% of global GDP.

      – Subpoint 2: Fossil fuels are inefficient because they waste a lot of energy during their extraction,

        conversion, transmission, distribution, and consumption. For example, only about 20% of the energy in gasoline is used to move a car,the rest is lost as heat. Fossil fuels are also unsustainable because they are non-renewable resources that will eventually run out. According to some estimates. we have already reached or passed the peak production of oil and gas; coal may last longer but at a higher environmental cost.

    – Main point 3: Fossil fuels have a negative social impact because they cause inequality,


      and conflict.

      – Subpoint 1: Fossil fuels create inequality between countries

        and within countries. The countries that produce

        or consume most fossil fuels tend to be richer

        and more powerful than those that do not. However,

        they also emit more greenhouse gases that affect everyone on the planet. Within countries,

        fossil fuels benefit some groups more than others;

        for example wealthy people can afford cars or air conditioners while poor people suffer from pollution or heat waves.

      – Subpoint 2: Fossil fuels cause injustice because they violate human rights and harm vulnerable communities. Many people who live near fossil fuel extraction sites face displacement, exploitation, corruption, violence, health problems, etc. Many people who live in low-lying islands or coastal areas face the risk of losing their homes or livelihoods due to sea level rise caused by global warming. Many people who live in developing countries face the burden of adapting to climate change without adequate resources or support.

      – Subpoint 3: Fossil fuels cause conflict because they create competition or tension between countries or groups over access or control of these resources. For example, oil has been a factor in many wars or disputes in the Middle East Africa, Latin America, etc. Coal has been a source of social unrest or violence in China, India, Colombia, etc. Gas has been a cause of geopolitical rivalry or instability in Europe, Central Asia, Southeast Asia, etc.

– Conclusion

– Summary of main points: In conclusion,

fossil fuels have a negative impact on the environment, the economy, and society because they emit greenhouse gases, are costly, inefficient, and unsustainable, and cause inequality, injustice, and conflict.

– Restatement of thesis statement:

Fossil fuels are the main cause of global warming, which is a major problem for our planet. We should stop using fossil fuels and switch to cleaner and greener alternatives.

Conclusion of Persuasive Speech Examples:

These persuasive speech examples serve as valuable resources to help you understand the art of persuasive communication. By studying different approaches and techniques, you can refine your skills and craft compelling speeches tailored to your audience and purpose. Remember, an effective persuasive speech combines logical arguments, emotional appeal, and a call to action that motivates the listeners to embrace your message.If you need assistance as many of us need help in drawing the outline of a persuasive speech example, explore our essay writers to get your problems instantly fix up.