
5 Quick Steps Solution Of How To Write An Analytical Essay?

What Is An Analytical Essay and How to write an analytical Essay

How to write an analytical essay is a type of academic writing that requires you to analyze a topic, text, or issue in depth and present your own argument or perspective. It is not just a summary or a description of what you read or observe, but a critical evaluation of how the author, creator, or phenomenon makes their point and what implications it has for your understanding of the subject.

Writing an analytical essay can be challenging, especially if you are not familiar with the format, structure, and expectations of this type of assignment. However, with some planning, research, and practice, you can master the skills of writing an effective and impressive analytical essay that will boost your academic career.

Here are five quick steps to help you write an analytical essay:

Step 1: Understand The Assignment and Choose A Topic

Before you start writing your analytical essay, you need to understand what the assignment is asking you to do and what kind of topic you need to choose. Read the instructions carefully and identify the purpose, audience, and format of your essay. 

For example, are you supposed to analyze a literary work, a film, a historical event, a scientific theory, or something else? Who are you writing for and what do they expect from your analysis? How long should your essay be and how should you organize it?

Once you have a clear idea of the assignment requirements, you can choose a topic that interests you and fits the scope of your analysis. You can either select a topic from a list provided by your instructor or come up with your own topic based on your personal interest and knowledge. Make sure your topic is specific, relevant, and manageable. 

For example, instead of writing about “The effects of social media on society“, you can narrow it down to “The impact of Instagram on body image among teenagers“.

Step 2: Do Some Research & Gather Evidence

After choosing a topic, you need to do some research and gather evidence to support your analysis. Depending on your topic and assignment guidelines, you may need to use primary sources (such as the text or work you are analyzing), secondary sources (such as scholarly articles, books, or reviews that discuss or critique your topic), or both. You can use online databases, libraries, or other reliable sources to find relevant and credible information for your essay.

As you do your research, take notes of the main ideas, arguments, facts, examples, quotes, statistics, or other details that you find useful for your analysis. Make sure to cite your sources properly according to the citation style required by your instructor (such as MLA, APA, Chicago, etc.). 

Step 3: Develop a Thesis Statement & an Outline

A thesis statement is a sentence that summarizes the main point or claim of your essay. It tells the reader what your essay is about and what you are going to prove or explain in your analysis. A thesis statement should be clear, concise, specific, and arguable. It should not be a fact or a question, but a statement that can be challenged or supported by evidence.

For example, if you are writing an analytical essay about “The impact of Instagram on body image among teenagers”, your thesis statement could be:

Instagram negatively affects the body image of teenagers by exposing them to unrealistic and edited images of beauty standards that lower their self-esteem and increase their risk of developing eating disorders.

An outline is a plan that helps you organize your ideas and evidence into a logical structure for your essay. It helps you create a coherent and cohesive flow of information and arguments that support your thesis statement. An outline usually consists of three main parts: an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. Each part may have several subparts depending on the length and complexity of your essay.

For example, an outline for an analytical essay about “The impact of Instagram on body image among teenagers” could look like this:


    – Hook: A catchy sentence that grabs the reader’s attention

    – Background: Some general information about the topic and its significance

    – Thesis statement: The main point or claim of your essay

– Body

    – Paragraph 1: Topic sentence: The first reason or argument that supports your thesis statement

        – Evidence: Specific examples, quotes, facts, statistics, etc. that back up your topic sentence

        – Analysis: Your explanation of how the evidence relates to your topic sentence and thesis statement

        – Transition: A word or phrase that connects this paragraph to the next one

    – Paragraph 2: Topic sentence: The second reason or argument that supports your thesis statement

        – Evidence: Specific examples, quotes,

        – Analysis:

        – Transition:

    – Paragraph 3: Topic sentence: The third reason or argument that supports your thesis statement

        – Evidence:

        – Analysis:

        – Transition:


    – Restate thesis statement: A paraphrased version of your thesis statement that summarizes your main point

    – Summarize main points: A brief recap of the main reasons or arguments that support your thesis statement

    – Provide implications: A statement that explains the significance or implications of your analysis for the reader or the broader context

 Step 4: Write The First Draft

Using your outline as a guide, write the first draft of your analytical essay. Start with an introduction that introduces your topic and provides some background information for the reader. Then write a clear and concise thesis statement that states the main point or claim of your essay. Next, write the body paragraphs that develop and support your thesis statement with evidence and analysis. Each paragraph should have a topic sentence that introduces the main idea or argument of the paragraph followed by evidence that supports it with specific 

  • Quotes
  • Facts
  • Statistics
  • Examples

Analysis that explains how the evidence relates to the topic sentence and thesis statement.

Finally, write a conclusion that restates your thesis statement,

summarize your main points,

and provides some implications for further discussion or research.

Points To Ponder While Writing Your Analytical Essay

  • As you write, use clear, coherent, and formal language. Avoid using slang, jargon, or colloquialisms.
  • Use transition words or phrases to connect your sentences and paragraphs smoothly.
  • Use appropriate tone, voice, and point of view for your audience and purpose.
  • Use quotation marks when quoting directly from a source and cite it properly according to the citation style required by your instructor.
  • Use paraphrasing or summarizing when expressing ideas from a source in your own words and cite it properly as well.
  • Avoid plagiarism by giving credit to the original source whenever you use information,
  • ideas, or words from another source.

Step 5: Revise and Edit

After writing the first draft, read it aloud or have someone else read it for you. 

8 Pro Tips While Formatting an Analytical Essay

  1. Check for any errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation, or formatting. 
  2. Sentences are clear, complete, and varied in structure. 
  3. Paragraphs are well-organized, coherent, and focused on one main idea or argument. 
  4. The essay follows the structure, format, and guidelines of the assignment.
  5. A thesis statement is clear, concise, specific, and arguable. 
  6. Evidence is relevant, sufficient, and credible. 
  7. The analysis is logical, insightful, and persuasive. 
  8. The conclusion is effective, concise, and impactful.

If you find any problems or weaknesses in your essay as to how to write an essay, make changes accordingly. You may need to add, delete, rearrange, or rewrite some parts of your essay to improve its quality and clarity. You may also need to do some more research or find more evidence if necessary.

After revising your essay,

proofread it again carefully for any minor errors or typos that you may have missed before.

You can also use tools like Grammarly or Hemingway Editor to help you check and improve your writing.

Conclusion of How to Write an Analytical Essay

Writing an analytical essay is a valuable skill that can help you boost your academic career. By following these five quick steps, you can learn how to write an effective and impressive analytical essay that analyzes a topic, text, or issue in depth and presents your own argument or perspective. You need to understand the assignment and choose a topic, do some research and gather evidence, develop a thesis statement and an outline, write the first draft, and revise and edit your essay. If you have difficulty in writing explore our free tools that assist you in writing. By doing so, you can demonstrate your critical thinking, writing, and communication skills and impress your instructor and peers. Remember to use clear, coherent, and formal language, cite your sources properly, and avoid plagiarism. Writing an analytical essay may seem challenging at first, but with some practice and guidance, you can master it and enjoy the process of exploring and expressing your ideas. If you find any difficulties in writing an analytical essay feel free to explore our free essay writers now.